How To Keep Your Devices Safe When Working Remotely

How To Keep Your Devices Safe When Working Remotely

Working remotely can be a fantastic experience, but it’s important to ensure the safety of our beloved devices amidst this flexibility. So, how do we keep our devices safe when working from home with flexible hours? Let’s dive in and explore some essential tips and tricks.

First off, protecting your devices from potential cyber threats is crucial. With hackers lurking in the digital realm, it’s essential to have robust cybersecurity practices in place. From using strong passwords to keeping your software updated, we’ll walk you through all the necessary steps to fortify your devices.

But safety isn’t just about cybersecurity; it’s also about protecting your physical devices. Accidents happen, and spills, drops, or theft can leave us in a tough spot. Fear not! We’ve got you covered with smart strategies to prevent mishaps and keep your devices in top-notch condition.

So, whether you’re a student attending remote classes, engaging in remote work for college students, or just someone working from home, join us on this journey to safeguard your devices and enjoy a worry-free remote experience. Get ready to unlock the secrets that will keep your devices safe and sound, no matter where you choose to work.

Protect Your Devices When Working Remote:

1. Keep your software up to date.
2. Use strong, unique passwords.
3. Enable two-factor authentication.
4. Be cautious with public Wi-Fi.
5. Use a reliable VPN for secure connections.
6. Backup your data regularly.
7. Install antivirus and anti-malware software.
8. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown files.
9. Lock your devices when not in use.
10. Educate yourself and stay up to date on the latest security practices.

How to keep your devices safe when working remotely

How to Keep Your Devices Safe When Working Remotely

In today’s digital age, remote work, often associated with various digital jobs, has become increasingly common. Many professionals now have the flexibility to work from anywhere, as long as they have a stable internet connection and the necessary devices. However, the freedom of remote work, especially in digital jobs, also comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to device security. When working remotely, it is crucial to take steps to keep your devices safe from potential threats and attacks. This article will provide you with essential tips and best practices to ensure the security of your devices while working remotely.

1. Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Passwords are the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your devices and accounts. When working remotely, it is essential to use strong and unique passwords for all your devices and online accounts. Avoid using common passwords like “password123” or “123456” as they are easy to guess. Instead, create complex passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, it is recommended to use a password manager to securely store and manage all your passwords.

It is crucial to use a different password for each device and account. Reusing passwords across different platforms increases the risk of a security breach. If one account gets hacked, all your other accounts using the same password could be compromised as well. By using unique passwords, you can mitigate the risk and protect your devices from unauthorized access. Utilizing tools like the last pass password generator can help create strong, unique passwords easily, enhancing your digital security effortlessly.

2. Update Your Devices Regularly

Software updates are essential for device security. Developers regularly release updates that fix known vulnerabilities and address security issues. When working remotely, make sure to keep all your devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones, up to date with the latest software releases. Enable automatic updates whenever possible to ensure that you are always protected with the latest security patches.

By regularly updating your devices, you minimize the risk of falling victim to cyber attacks and potential security breaches. These updates often include improvements in system security, bug fixes, and new features. Ignoring updates can leave your devices vulnerable to known attacks, putting your sensitive information at risk.

A padlock on a computer keyboard.
A padlock on a computer keyboard.

3. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

When working remotely, you are likely to rely heavily on your Wi-Fi network. It is crucial to secure your Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized access and eavesdropping. Begin by changing the default network name (SSID) and password provided by your internet service provider. Use a strong password consisting of a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters to secure your network.

Consider enabling Wi-Fi encryption such as WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) or WPA3 for enhanced security. Encryption ensures that data transmitted over your network is encrypted and only accessible to authorized users. Additionally, it is advisable to regularly check for firmware updates for your Wi-Fi router and install them to keep your network protected against any known vulnerabilities. If you’re using a fiber modem, ensure it is also up-to-date and configured correctly to maintain the integrity of your high-speed internet connection.

4. Utilize Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of security that provides an extra level of protection beyond passwords. When enabled, 2FA requires you to provide a second form of verification, such as a one-time password or a fingerprint scan, in addition to your password. This adds an extra layer of security by ensuring that even if someone manages to obtain your password, they would still need access to the second verification method to gain entry.

Many online platforms and services offer 2FA options, including email providers, social media platforms, and cloud storage services. Enable 2FA for all your accounts to enhance the security of your devices when working remotely. It provides an additional barrier against unauthorized access and significantly reduces the risk of account compromise. Additionally, using an authentication portal can streamline the 2FA process, offering a centralized location to manage and access your multi-factor authentication settings efficiently.

5. Be Cautious When Using Public Wi-Fi

While working remotely, you may find yourself in situations where you need to connect to public Wi-Fi networks, such as in coffee shops, airports, or hotels. However, it is essential to exercise caution when using public Wi-Fi as these networks can be vulnerable to attacks.

Avoid accessing sensitive information or performing any financial transactions when connected to public Wi-Fi. Hackers can intercept your data and gain access to your devices and accounts. If you must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and protect your data from prying eyes.

6. Secure Physical Access to Your Devices

Physical security is equally important when it comes to keeping your devices safe while working remotely. Ensure that your devices are always in a secure location when not in use. Lock your laptop, tablet, or smartphone when stepping away from your workstation, even if you are just taking a short break.

If you work in a public space or travel frequently, consider investing in a laptop lock or a physical device lock to prevent theft. These small measures can go a long way in protecting your devices and the sensitive data they contain.

7. Backup Your Data Regularly

Data loss can occur due to various reasons, including hardware failure, accidental deletion, or cyber attacks. When working remotely, it is crucial to regularly backup your data to ensure that important files and documents are secure and accessible. Use cloud storage services or external hard drives to create backups of your files.

Automate the backup process whenever possible to avoid the risk of forgetting to back up important data. In the event of a device compromise or data loss, having a recent backup ensures that you can quickly restore your files and resume work without major disruptions.

Additional Tips for Keeping Your Devices Safe When Working Remotely

1. Enable Firewall Protection

Firewalls act as a protective barrier, monitoring incoming and outgoing network traffic and blocking unauthorized access. Ensure that firewall protection is enabled on all your devices to add an extra layer of security.

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2. Use Antivirus Software

Install reputable antivirus software on your devices and keep it up to date. Antivirus software helps detect and remove malware, protecting your devices from potential threats.

3. Avoid Clicking on Suspicious Links or Opening Unknown Attachments

Be vigilant about the emails, messages, and links you encounter while working remotely. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or opening attachments from unknown sources, as they can contain malware or phishing attempts.

4. Educate Yourself on Current Cybersecurity Practices

Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity practices and potential threats. Educate yourself on common phishing techniques, social engineering attacks, and other forms of cybercrime. By being aware of current trends, you can actively protect your devices and personal information.

A man in a hoodie is looking at a computer screen.
A man in a hoodie is looking at a computer screen.

5. Follow Company Security Policies

If you are working remotely for a company, make sure to adhere to their security policies and guidelines. These policies are designed to ensure a secure working environment, and following them helps protect not only your devices but also the organization’s sensitive data.

Let’s Break It All Down:

Working remotely offers flexibility and convenience, but it also poses security risks to your devices and sensitive information. By implementing the tips mentioned in this article, you can significantly enhance the security of your devices when working remotely. Remember to use strong passwords, update your devices regularly, secure your Wi-Fi network, utilize two-factor authentication, and be cautious when using public Wi-Fi. Additionally, prioritize physical security, regularly backup your data, enable firewall and antivirus protection, and educate yourself on cybersecurity best practices. By following these measures, you can enjoy the benefits of remote work while keeping your devices safe from potential threats.

Key Takeaways: How to keep your devices safe when working remotely

  • Use strong and unique passwords for all your devices and accounts.
  • Keep your software and operating systems up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
  • Be cautious of phishing emails and always think twice before clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown attachments.
  • Regularly back up your important files and data in case of any device loss or cyber attack.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section, where we will address common concerns on how to keep your devices safe when working remotely. With the rise of remote work, it’s important to ensure the security of your devices and data. Let’s dive into some key questions on this topic:

Q: How can I protect my devices from malware and viruses while working remotely?

A: When working remotely, it’s crucial to have robust antivirus software installed on your devices. Make sure to enable automatic updates so that your devices are always protected against the latest malware and viruses. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading software from untrusted sources. Additionally, regularly scan your devices for any potential threats, and be cautious when opening email attachments, even from seemingly legitimate sources.

Another important step is to keep your operating systems and software up to date. This ensures that any vulnerabilities are patched, reducing the risk of malware and viruses infiltrating your devices. Lastly, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection, providing an extra layer of security when accessing sensitive information.

Q: What are some best practices for creating strong passwords when working remotely?

A: Creating strong and unique passwords is essential to protect your devices and online accounts when working remotely. Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords, such as “password123” or your birthdate. Instead, opt for passwords that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Use a different password for each of your accounts to minimize the impact if one account is compromised. Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate strong passwords. Additionally, enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible, which adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification method, such as a fingerprint or a unique code sent to your mobile device.

Q: How can I protect my data when working remotely on public Wi-Fi networks?

A: When using public Wi-Fi networks, it’s important to take precautions to protect your data from potential eavesdroppers. Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as online banking or private emails, on public networks. If you must access such information, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and ensure your data remains secure.

Additionally, make sure your devices are configured to ask for permission before connecting to new Wi-Fi networks. This helps prevent automatically connecting to malicious networks that may attempt to intercept your data. Lastly, consider using a firewall to add an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access to your devices when connected to public Wi-Fi networks.

Q: How can I keep my devices secure from physical theft?

A: To protect your devices from physical theft, there are several steps you can take. When working remotely, avoid leaving your devices unattended in public areas, such as coffee shops or libraries. If you need to step away, lock your devices or bring them with you.

Consider using physical security measures, such as cable locks or lockable storage containers, to secure your devices when they are at your workstation or during transport. Additionally, enable device tracking or remote wipe features on your devices, which can help locate or delete data in case of theft. Lastly, ensure your devices are password-protected and set up a screen lock timeout to automatically lock your device when not in use.

Q: How can I ensure the security of my online meetings and video conferences?

A: When participating in online meetings and video conferences, it’s important to follow security best practices. Firstly, only share meeting links or access codes with authorized participants to prevent unauthorized access. Avoid posting meeting links publicly or sharing them via unsecured channels.

Use a secure and reputable platform for hosting your meetings, and enable any available security features, such as password protection or waiting rooms to screen participants. If discussing sensitive information, consider encrypting your communications using end-to-end encryption tools or secure messaging apps. Lastly, be mindful of your surroundings and avoid sharing sensitive information or displaying confidential documents during video conferences in public spaces.

How to keep your devices safe when working remotely 2

Final Thought:

A man is pointing at a padlock on a tablet.
A man is pointing at a padlock on a tablet.

So, here’s what you need to remember to keep your devices safe when working remotely. First, always use strong and unique passwords to protect your accounts. Then, be careful with the links and attachments you click on in emails or messages. Make sure they’re from trusted sources. Keep your devices and software up to date with the latest security patches. And lastly, use a virtual private network (VPN) to secure your internet connection. Stay safe out there!

In conclusion, remember to protect your passwords, be cautious with links and attachments, update your devices and software, and use a VPN. By following these steps, you can keep your devices safe while working remotely.

How To Avoid Distractions When Working From Home

How To Avoid Distractions When Working From Home

Working from home can be a dream come true, especially with flexible remote jobs that offer more control over your schedule, but it also comes with its fair share of distractions. So, how can you stay focused and productive in your own space? In this article, we’ll uncover some practical tips and tricks to avoid distractions when working from home.

Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, ready to tackle your to-do list, when suddenly your phone buzzes with a notification or your favorite TV show tempts you from the living room. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Distractions can be a real challenge in a home office setup.

But fear not! With a few simple strategies, you can outsmart those distractions and make the most of your work-from-home experience. From setting up a dedicated workspace to establishing clear boundaries with friends and family, we’ve got you covered.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, find a comfy chair, and get ready to discover how to conquer distractions while working from home. Let’s dive in and make your workday as focused and productive as possible!

Avoiding Distractions When Working from Home 

Working from home can be challenging due to potential distractions. Here are some tips to help you stay focused:

  1. Create a dedicated workspace
  2. Set clear boundaries with family and friends
  3. Establish a routine and stick to it
  4. Use productivity apps or tools
  5. Take regular breaks to refresh your mind

By implementing these strategies, you can minimize distractions and maximize your productivity when working from home.

How to avoid distractions when working from home

How to Avoid Distractions When Working from Home

Working from home has become increasingly popular, offering flexibility and convenience. However, it also presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to staying focused and avoiding distractions. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and tips to help you maintain productivity and minimize distractions while working from home.

Creating a Dedicated Workspace

One of the first steps to avoiding distractions when working from home is to establish a dedicated workspace. This can be a separate room, a corner in your living area, or even a designated spot at your dining table. By creating a dedicated workspace, you mentally associate that area with work, which can help you stay focused.

Ensure your workspace is comfortable, well-lit, and equipped with the necessary tools and supplies. A comfortable chair and an ergonomic desk setup can help you maintain good posture and prevent discomfort during long work hours. Keep your workspace organized and free from clutter, as a neat environment can have a positive impact on your focus and productivity.

Minimize distractions in your workspace by setting boundaries with family members or roommates. Let them know that when you’re in your collaborative workspace, you are in work mode. Use headphones to drown out noise, play calming background music, or even utilize white noise machines to block out any external distractions. This approach helps to create a more focused environment, even when sharing your space, ensuring that everyone understands the importance of minimizing disruptions during work hours.

Establishing a Routine

Creating and sticking to a routine can significantly help in avoiding distractions when working from home. Start by setting regular working hours and communicate these hours to your colleagues or clients. This will help establish expectations and boundaries, reducing the likelihood of interruptions or distractions.

When planning your routine, consider your most productive times of the day and schedule your most important tasks during those periods. This will help you maximize your focus and energy levels. Take breaks at regular intervals to rest and recharge, but be mindful of getting back on track once your break is over.

Having a routine also means incorporating non-work-related activities into your day. Make time for exercise, meals, and self-care to ensure a healthy work-life balance. This structured approach will not only minimize distractions but also contribute to your overall well-being and productivity.

Utilizing Time Management Techniques

A man in a suit is holding up a clock in his office.
A man in a suit is holding up a clock in his office.

Time management techniques can be invaluable when it comes to avoiding distractions and maximizing productivity. One popular technique is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves breaking your work into 25-minute intervals, known as “Pomodoros,” followed by short breaks. This method helps prevent burnout and enables you to stay focused during dedicated work periods.

Another effective technique is time blocking, where you allocate specific time slots for different tasks or activities. This allows you to prioritize your work and allocate sufficient time for important projects, while also ensuring you have time for personal tasks or relaxation.

Utilizing productivity apps and tools can further enhance your time management efforts. These apps provide features such as task lists, reminders, and progress tracking, helping you stay organized and manage your time effectively.

Setting Boundaries with Technology

While technology enables remote work, it can also be a significant source of distractions. To avoid falling down the rabbit hole of social media or endless emails, it’s essential to set boundaries with technology.

Start by turning off push notifications on your devices or configuring them to only receive essential notifications. This will prevent constant interruptions and allow you to focus on your work without being constantly tempted by incoming messages or notifications.

Additionally, use browser extensions or website blockers to limit access to distracting websites and apps during your designated work hours. These tools can prevent you from accessing time-consuming or irrelevant websites, helping you stay on track and minimize distractions effectively.

Taking Care of Mental and Physical Well-being

A woman meditating in front of a laptop.
A woman meditating in front of a laptop.

Maintaining good mental and physical health is crucial for staying focused and avoiding distractions. Take regular breaks to stretch, move, or engage in short physical activities. Exercise not only boosts your energy levels but also sharpens your focus and improves your mood.

Practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to clear your mind and increase your ability to concentrate. Taking small breaks for mindful moments throughout the day can help you refocus and regain mental clarity.

Additionally, ensure you get enough restful sleep to rejuvenate your body and mind. Establish a consistent sleep routine and create a peaceful and comfortable sleeping environment to promote quality rest. A well-rested mind is more equipped to handle distractions and maintain focus.

Finding Accountability and Support

Building accountability and finding support when working from home can significantly contribute to avoiding distractions. Consider finding a coworking partner or joining a virtual coworking community where members hold each other accountable and provide moral support.

Communicate your goals and deadlines to someone who holds you accountable. This individual can check on your progress regularly and motivate you to stay on task. Having someone to answer to can help you maintain focus and minimize distractions.

Participate in virtual mastermind groups or online communities related to your industry. These platforms allow you to connect with like-minded individuals facing similar challenges and share strategies for staying focused and productive while working remotely.

Prioritizing Self-Care and Work-Life Balance

Lastly, prioritize self-care and work-life balance to avoid burnout and maintain focus when working from home. Create boundaries between your work and personal life to prevent work from seeping into your leisure time.

Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation outside of work hours. Engage in hobbies, spend time with loved ones, or pursue personal development endeavors. By nurturing your well-being, you will be better equipped to handle distractions when they arise and maintain focus on your work tasks.

Remember that finding the right balance is a continuous journey. Experiment with different strategies and techniques to discover what works best for you. Adapt and refine your approach as needed, and don’t hesitate to seek professional support if you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to manage distractions effectively.

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Key Takeaways – How to avoid distractions when working from home

  • Create a dedicated workspace in your home.
  • Set a schedule and stick to it.
  • Avoid multitasking and focus on one task at a time.
  • Minimize distractions by turning off notifications.
  • Take short breaks for relaxation and rejuvenation.
A woman sitting at a desk using a laptop.
A woman sitting at a desk using a laptop.

Frequently Asked Questions

Working from home can come with its fair share of distractions. Here are some common questions and tips to help you stay focused and avoid interruptions.

1. How can I set up a dedicated workspace at home?

Creating a designated workspace is crucial for minimizing distractions. Find a quiet area in your home where you can set up a desk or table and organize your work essentials. Make sure it’s well-lit and free from household clutter. Let your family members or roommates know that this space is off-limits during your working hours. Use dividers or noise-canceling headphones if needed.

Personalize your workspace with items that motivate and inspire you. Consider adding plants, pictures, or other decorations that make you happy and boost your productivity. Having a dedicated workspace will help you mentally separate work from leisure, enabling you to stay more focused and less susceptible to distractions.

2. What is a good way to establish a daily routine?

Establishing a daily routine is crucial for avoiding distractions. Start by setting a clear schedule and sticking to it as closely as possible. Wake up and go to bed at consistent times. Plan block periods for focused work, breaks, meals, and exercise. Be sure to include time for activities that help you relax and recharge.

When creating your routine, consider your personal productivity patterns. Some people work better in the morning, while others are more alert in the afternoon or evening. Customize your schedule to match your optimal working hours. Having a structured routine will help you stay on track and minimize distractions caused by disorganization or lack of direction.

3. How can I minimize distractions from my phone or social media?

Your phone and social media can be major sources of distraction. To minimize their impact, try the following strategies. First, establish specific times during the day when you can check your phone or social media accounts. Set boundaries and avoid using your phone during work hours.

Use productivity apps or website blockers to limit access to distracting websites or social media platforms during work sessions. Enable “Do Not Disturb” mode or silence notifications to reduce the urge to check your phone constantly. Keep your phone out of reach or in a different room during focused work periods. These steps will help you stay focused and avoid falling into the endless scrolling trap.

4. What can I do when other household members are causing distractions?

When others in your household are causing distractions, communication is key. Have an open and honest conversation with your family members or roommates about your work schedule and the importance of uninterrupted time. Set boundaries and establish clear signals to indicate when you shouldn’t be disturbed.

If possible, try to coordinate your working hours with others in the household. This way, you can all respect each other’s focus time. Consider using noise-canceling headphones or working in a separate room if noise becomes a persistent issue. By addressing distractions proactively and finding mutually beneficial solutions, you can create a more conducive work environment at home.

5. How can I stay motivated and avoid losing focus?

Staying motivated and focused can be a challenge when working from home. To combat this, set specific goals and break them down into manageable tasks. Celebrate small victories to maintain motivation. Create a to-do list or use productivity apps to track your progress and stay organized.

Find ways to stay engaged with your work, such as listening to background music, taking short exercise breaks, or varying your work environment within your home. Set rewards for yourself after completing challenging tasks or meeting important deadlines. Cultivate a positive mindset and practice self-care to keep your energy levels up and your focus steady. By prioritizing your well-being and nurturing your motivation, you can effectively avoid distractions and thrive while working from home.

A woman and a child sitting at a table with a laptop.
A woman and a child sitting at a table with a laptop.

Final Thought

Working from home can be full of distractions, but there are strategies to stay focused. First, set up a designated workspace that is free from distractions. Second, create a schedule and stick to it to establish a routine. Third, silence notifications and put your phone away to avoid interruptions. Lastly, take regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintain productivity.

Remember, it’s important to prioritize your work and minimize distractions when working from home. By implementing these strategies, you can stay on track and complete your tasks efficiently. So, stay focused and make the most of your remote work experience!

Unleash Comfort and Productivity with the Best Ergonomic Keyboards

Unleash Comfort and Productivity with the Best Ergonomic Keyboards

The work world has steadily migrated from the office to our homes, and with it comes the increasing prevalence of aches and pains associated with prolonged computer use. Have you ever thought that your average keyboard could be the main culprit? 

It’s time to ‘Unleash Comfort and Productivity with the Best Ergonomic Keyboards’, a remedy to your discomforts literally at your fingertips. If you’re looking for a keyboard that will make typing more comfortable and efficient during those long work hours, then an ergonomic keyboard might be just what you need. In this article, we’ll go over the best ergonomic keyboards for home office use and what to look for when choosing the best one for your home office.

What Are Ergonomic Keyboards and Why Do They Matter?

Ergonomic keyboards are designed to promote better posture and reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) that can develop over time due to prolonged typing. An ergonomic keyboard might be a good choice if you’re looking for a keyboard that can help you avoid repetitive strain injuries. But what exactly are they, and why do they matter?

Ergonomic keyboards are designed to promote a more natural posture and hand position while typing. They are meant to reduce strain on your muscles, tendons, and joints, which can help prevent pain and discomfort.

But that’s not all – using an ergonomic keyboard can also increase your typing speed and accuracy. And if you spend a lot of time typing, whether, for work or pleasure, an ergonomic keyboard can make a big difference in your comfort level.

Now, let’s get personal. As someone who spends hours typing daily, I can attest to the importance of an ergonomic keyboard. Before I made the switch, I would often experience stiffness and pain in my hands and wrists after a long day of work. But since switching to an ergonomic keyboard, those problems have largely disappeared.

Plus, there’s something satisfying about using a keyboard specifically designed for your comfort. It’s like having a custom-made piece of furniture or clothing – it just feels better.

You know you need an ergonomic keyboard when you start developing a “QWERTY claw”. This term refers to the painful cramping and stiffness that sets into your hand after using a traditional keyboard for prolonged periods. The name originates from the most common keyboard layout, which starts with the keys Q-W-E-R-T-Y on the top left.

The onset of QWERTY claw is not just a red flag indicating that you’re potentially causing harm to your body; it’s also a reminder that you’re not optimizing your performance. When your hands are in pain, it directly affects your typing speed and accuracy. Before long, even simple tasks end up taking minutes more than they should – time that adds up alarmingly over days and weeks.

Furthermore, this condition isn’t limited to discomfort alone; it can be a precursor to more serious conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Tendonitis. These ailments can have severe consequences leading to possible surgery and lengthy recovery periods. And don’t forget the impact on personal life – simple pleasures like holding a book or playing guitar could become increasingly difficult as the pain persists or worsens.

A woman is sitting at a desk with her hand on her wrist.

Getting an ergonomic keyboard might seem like an unnecessary expense initially but think of it as an investment towards better productivity at work and improved quality of life in general. So, if you notice signs of a ‘QWERTY claw’ (or other ailments), don’t brush them off lightly; consider making the switch to an ergonomic keyboard before it escalates further. Let’s address a few introductory questions about ergonomic keyboards:

  • Q: Are ergonomic keyboards more expensive than traditional keyboards?
  • A: They can be, but plenty of affordable options exist. It’s worth investing in a good one if you spend a lot of time typing, but you don’t have to break the bank.
  • Q: Do ergonomic keyboards take some getting used to?
  • A: They can feel slightly different initially, especially if you’ve used a traditional keyboard for a long time. But most people adjust quickly, and the benefits are well worth it.
  • Q: Can ergonomic keyboards help with conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome?
  • A: While ergonomic keyboards aren’t a cure-all for every condition, they can help reduce the risk of developing injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort while typing, consider an ergonomic keyboard a possible solution.
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Who Should Buy an Ergonomic Keyboard?

Anyone who spends long hours typing on a computer can use an ergonomic keyboard. This includes office workers, freelancers, students, gamers, and anyone who experiences pain or discomfort while typing. If you experience any of the following symptoms, an ergonomic keyboard might be the solution you need:

  • Pain or discomfort in your hands, wrists, or forearms
  • Numbness or tingling in your hands or fingers
  • Stiffness or soreness in your joints
  • Reduced range of motion in your fingers, hands, or wrists

If you experience any of these symptoms, taking action is essential to prevent further damage. Switching to an ergonomic keyboard can be a simple and effective solution.

What to Look for When Choosing an Ergonomic Keyboard

When choosing an ergonomic keyboard, there are a few essential factors to consider:

  • Design: Ergonomic keyboards come in various methods, including split keyboards, curved keyboards, and tented keyboards. Each type offers unique benefits, so choose the most comfortable. Some people prefer split keyboards, which allow your hands to rest in a more natural position. Others prefer curved or tented keyboards, which can help reduce strain on your wrists.
  • Keys: Look for comfortable keys to type on and provide adequate feedback. Some ergonomic keyboards use a different key layout or size to reduce the risk of mistakes. Make sure the keys are spaced in a way that feels comfortable to you.
  • Wrist support: Look for a keyboard with built-in wrist support that promotes a neutral wrist position. This can help reduce strain on your hands and wrists. Some keyboards on this list come with removable wrist rests.
  • Compatibility: Ensure your chosen keyboard is compatible with your computer’s operating system. Most ergonomic keyboards are compatible with both Windows and Mac OS, but double-checking is always a good idea.
Two blue keyboards on a black surface.

Top Ergonomic Keyboards for Home Office Use

Now that you know what to look for when choosing an ergonomic keyboard, here are some of the top options on the market:

Logitech Ergo K860

The Logitech Ergo K860 features a split keyboard design and a curved, pillowed wrist rest, providing excellent support for your hands and wrists. It also has a long wireless range and is easy to set up. This keyboard is wireless and compatible with both Windows and Mac OS. Here are some features of the Logitech Ergo K860:

  • Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux: You can use the Logitech ERGO K860 with your favorite operating system.
  • Wireless range:10 m (33-ft) wireless range This gives you the freedom to move around your workspace without having to worry about your keyboard disconnecting.
  • Pillowed Wrist Rest: The curved wrist rest with a memory foam layer provides 54% more wrist support than standard keyboards. This helps to keep your wrists comfortable and aligned throughout the day.
  • Ergonomist Approved: The Logitech ERGO K860 is certified by the United States Ergonomics to improve posture and reduce strain on your wrists, forearms, and neck.
  • Familiar Features: The Logitech ERGO K860 has all the features you expect from a Logitech keyboard, including a USB receiver and Bluetooth connectivity, customizable Fn keys, quiet keys, a full-size layout, and a CAPS LOCK indicator.
  • Easy to set up: Just plug in the USB receiver or connect via Bluetooth, and you’re ready to go.
  • Backed by a 3-year warranty: Logitech stands behind the quality of their products.

Overall, the Logitech Ergo K860 is a comfortable and customizable ergonomic keyboard for home office use. With its split keyboard design, pillowed wrist rest, adjustable legs, wireless connectivity, and compatibility with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, this keyboard offers a range of features that can help improve your comfort and productivity while working from home.


  • Long wireless range
  • Pillowed wrist rest
  • Easy setup
  • Compatible with Windows, Mac & Linux
  • Ergonomist approved
  • Great Warranty 


  • Key labels may wear off
  • Expensive

Nulea Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard

Elevate your work-from-home experience with the Nulea Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard, a masterpiece of comfort, quality, and design. Customers rave about the keyboard’s soft, responsive keys that provide a satisfying tactile experience, making typing a joy. The wide, ergonomic palm pads offer exceptional support, keeping your wrists in a natural position and reducing strain. The keyboard’s overall build quality exudes premium craftsmanship, evident in its sturdy construction and durable materials. Here are some features of the Nulea Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard:

  • Work Comfortably, Prevent Pain: Standard keyboards can strain your wrists and arms, leading to discomfort and pain. The Nulea ergonomic wireless keyboard’s split, splayed, and curved design helps you position your body more naturally, reducing fatigue and injury risk.
  • Easy Switching, Multitask Effortlessly: Connect the Nulea Bluetooth keyboard to up to three devices simultaneously and switch between them seamlessly with a single button press. Easily transition from typing an email on your computer to sending a text on your smartphone, changing background music on your laptop, and finishing that email on your PC – all with one tap.
  • Personalize Your Workspace, Enhance Your Mood: Choose your preferred brightness and lighting style from 3 brightness levels and 7 color options. Select from blue, green, red, cyan, purple, yellow, or white. Customize your keyboard setting and elevate your desk setup for a personalized touch.
  • Uninterrupted Productivity, Stay Charged: Focus entirely on your work without pesky interruptions from low battery notifications. The Nulea Bluetooth keyboard’s larger internal battery (2000mAh) and longer operating time ensure you stay powered up. Recharge easily using the USB-C charging cord when needed.
  • Adjustable Tilt Legs, Optimal Hand Positioning: Adjust the wireless keyboard to 3 different tilt levels using the 4 adjustable tilt legs. This design keeps your wrists in a comfortable position, reducing strain and fatigue, regardless of your work posture.

Beyond comfort, the Nulea Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard also stands out for its ease of use and aesthetic appeal. Customers appreciate the intuitive design and seamless connectivity, allowing for effortless setup and operation. The keyboard’s sleek profile and customizable backlighting enhance your workspace with a touch of style and personalization.


  • USB-C quick charging
  • Adjustable 7-color backlight
  • Adjustable tilt legs
  • wireless connectivity
  • Very Affordable


  • Some people have found the Nulea uncomfortable 

Kinesis Freestyle 2

The Kinesis Freestyle 2 is a testament to comfort, compatibility, and adjustability. Customers applaud the keyboard’s ergonomic design, which promotes natural hand and wrist positions, reducing strain and fatigue. The keys deliver a satisfying tactile click, enhancing typing feedback and precision.

The Kinesis Freestyle 2 seamlessly integrates into your work setup, ensuring compatibility with various devices and operating systems. Its versatile design allows for customization to suit your individual preferences. Adjust the tenting angle to optimize forearm alignment and wrist support, or rotate and separate the key modules to achieve a comfortable hand position. Here’s a little more about the Kinesis Freestyle 2:

  • Customized Comfort: Achieve Natural Hand Positions: The Freestyle 2’s unique split design allows you to rotate and separate the key modules up to 9 inches, enabling you to adjust the keyboard to perfectly match your body type and preferences. This customization ensures that your hands, wrists, and forearms maintain a natural position while typing, minimizing strain and discomfort.
  • Enhanced Forearm Support: Embrace Optimal Typing Posture: The Kinesis Freestyle 2 model comes pre-assembled with the VIP3 tenting accessory, providing a range of tenting options – 5, 10, or 15 degrees. This feature elevates the inner edges of the key modules, further promoting a neutral forearm position and optimal wrist support.
  • Seamless Productivity: Standard Windows Layout with Hotkeys: The Freestyle 2 for PC seamlessly integrates into your existing work-from-home setup with its standard Windows layout. Hotkeys for Cut, Copy, Paste, multimedia controls and an embedded numeric 10-key are readily accessible, boosting your productivity without requiring software or special drivers.
  • Reduced Finger Fatigue: Low-Force Key Switches for Effortless Typing: The Freestyle 2 employs custom membrane key switches, designed with a low-activation force and tactile feedback. This combination reduces finger fatigue, impact, and strain, making typing a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.
  • Effortless Setup-Everything You Need in the Box: The Freestyle 2 package includes everything you need to optimize your work-from-home setup: the keyboard itself with a standard Windows layout, pre-installed VIP3 tenting accessory, and palm supports, adhesive cushioned palm pads, a detachable pivot tether for adjustable splay, and a Quick Start Guide for a hassle-free setup.

The Kinesis Freestyle 2 is a smart choice for work-from-home professionals seeking comfort, compatibility, and adjustability. Its ergonomic design promotes natural hand and wrist positions, reducing strain and fatigue, while its customizable features allow you to tailor the keyboard to your specific needs. The satisfying tactile click of the keys enhances typing feedback and precision, and the keyboard’s compatibility with various devices and operating systems ensures seamless integration into your work setup. Embrace comfort and productivity with the Kinesis Freestyle 2!


  • Award-winning split design
  • Adjustable tenting
  • Keys have a satisfying “click”
  • Low profile & cushioned palm supports
  • Compatible with Windows & Mac


  • Customers have complained that the keyboards can annoyingly slide apart
  • Expensive

X9 Ergonomic Wireless Keyboard

With its user-focused design, exceptional affordability, and productivity-enhancing benefits, the X9 ergonomic wireless keyboard is the perfect companion for your work-from-home setup. This keyboard is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Chrome. Here are some features of the X9 Ergonomic Wireless Keyboard:

  • Type Comfortably With a Cushioned Wrist Rest: The integrated cushion provides much-needed support for your hands, keeping them level with the keys for improved comfort and efficiency.
  • Split Ergonomic Design for Natural Positioning: Unlike traditional keyboards that force your hands into an unnatural position, the wave keyboard encourages a natural hand posture, reducing strain and fatigue.
  • Work Efficiently: The full-sized 110-key layout with 17 shortcuts and a numeric keypad is designed to boost your productivity. With easy access to frequently used functions, you can get more done in less time.
  • Extended Battery Life: Our wireless keyboard features a large 600mAh internal battery, the rechargeable wireless keyboard will last months between charges. Charging cable will be included.
  • Dependable 2.4G Wireless Connectivity: Clear the cable clutter on your desk and enjoy a clean workspace. The wireless keyboard ergonomic is plug and play and offers a 30ft range through the USB-A RF receiver.
  • Backed by a 2-Year Warranty: A little peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected.

The X9 ergonomic wireless keyboard has garnered favorable reviews from users who appreciate its smooth, quiet keys, satisfying clack, and natural ergonomic design. The keyboard’s ease of use, excellent price, and overall comfort have also been praised, making it a popular choice for those seeking a comfortable and affordable typing experience. While it’s not the best on this list, it is definitely the best for anyone on a tight budget.


  • Extended Battery Life
  • Very affordable
  • Long-range wireless connectivity
  • Integrated wrist cushion


  • Key labels may wear off
  • Not at the level of quality of other keyboards in this article

Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2

Despite being last on this list, the V2 is an absolute ergonomic keyboard “contender” designed to elevate your work-from-home experience. It is a split keyboard that allows you to adjust its angle and height. This flexibility allows you to personalize your typing posture, ensuring optimal comfort and minimizing muscle strain. Investing in the V2 is an investment in your well-being and productivity.

Experience effortless typing with the V2’s soft key touch and low activation force. Glide across the keys with ease, minimizing fatigue and allowing you to focus on the task at hand. The V2 fosters a more natural typing form, reducing stress on your wrists and fingers, and promoting a healthier work environment. Here are some features of the Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2:

  • Split keyboard design: The Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2 features a split keyboard design, which allows you to adjust the two halves of the keyboard to suit your individual ergonomic needs. This design can reduce strain on your hands and wrists, allowing you to position your hands more naturally and comfortably.
  • Adjustable angles and height: In addition to the split keyboard design, the Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2 also allows you to adjust the keyboard’s angle and size. This customization allows you to find the perfect typing angle for your body, helping to prevent pain and discomfort while typing.
  • Cushioned palm rest: The Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2 features a cushioned palm rest, which can help reduce strain on your wrists and provide additional comfort while typing.
  • Wired connectivity: This keyboard is wired and connects to your computer via a USB cable. Some users prefer wired keyboards because they provide a more reliable and stable connection than wireless keyboards.
  • Compatible with Windows and Mac OS: The Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2 is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems, making it a versatile choice for home office use.

Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2 is an excellent option for anyone looking for a customizable and comfortable ergonomic keyboard for home office use. With its split keyboard design, adjustable angles and height, cushioned palm rest, and wired connectivity, this keyboard offers a range of features that can help improve your comfort and productivity while working from home.


  • Extremely flexible & adjustable
  • Perfect for smaller spaces
  • Compatible with PC or Mac
  • Soft key touch
  • Plug & play – no driver or software installation


  • No dedicated numeric keypad
  • No wrist support


An ergonomic keyboard is designed to reduce strain and discomfort on the hands, wrists, and arms while typing and can help prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) like carpal tunnel syndrome. When looking for an ergonomic keyboard, it’s important to consider features like comfort, design, adjustability, and price, as well as popular brands like Microsoft, Logitech, Kinesis, and Ergodox, etc. The best ergonomic keyboard for you will depend on your preferences and needs, including options like a fabric keyboard for a softer touch or a vertical keyboard to maintain a more natural hand position. It’s a good idea to read reviews and try out different options, including fabric and vertical keyboards, to find the one that works best for you. Here are some of the common FAQs when it comes to the best ergonomic keyboard for home office use:

  • Q: Why should I use an ergonomic keyboard?
  • A: Using an ergonomic keyboard can help prevent repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) like carpal tunnel syndrome and reduce discomfort and fatigue while typing. They can also improve typing speed and accuracy.
  • Q: What features should I look for in an ergonomic keyboard?
  • A: Look for a keyboard with a comfortable, natural design that promotes good posture and reduces strain on the hands and wrists. Consider features like adjustable tilt, customizable key mapping, and a built-in wrist rest.
  • Q: What are some popular ergonomic keyboard brands?
  • A: Some popular ergonomic keyboard brands include Microsoft, Logitech, Kinesis, and Ergodox.
  • Q: How much should I expect to spend on an ergonomic keyboard?
  • A: Prices for ergonomic keyboards vary widely, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $300 or more, depending on the features and quality of the keyboard.

Ergonomic Keyboards: Final Thought

Ergonomic keyboards are an excellent investment for anyone who spends a lot of time typing. They are one of the best ways to prevent possible strains and other injuries and keep you “happily” typing away. These keyboards are designed with user comfort in mind, ensuring a more natural hand and wrist position that can significantly reduce the risk of developing repetitive strain injuries. They can help reduce the risk of RSIs, increase typing speed and accuracy, and improve posture and comfort. Consider factors like design, key feel, wrist support, and compatibility when choosing an ergonomic keyboard. With so many great options, there’s no reason to suffer discomfort and pain while typing. Make the switch today and unleash unparalleled comfort and productivity!

Which Ergonomic Keyboard is Right for Me?

ImageProduct InfoShop
Logitech Ergo K8609.2

Logitech Ergo K860Best Overall

  • Ergonomist approved
  • Long wireless range
  • Easy to setup
Check Price
Nulea Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard8.8

Nulea Wireless Ergonomic KeyboardBest Bang for Your Buck

  • USB-C quick charging
  • 7 color backlighting
  • Very affordable
Check Price
Kinesis Freestyle 28.4

Kinesis Freestyle 2Best Split-Style

  • Award winning split design
  • Adjustable tenting
  • Cushioned palm supports
Check Price
X9 Wireless Ergonomic Keyboard8.6

X9 Wireless Ergonomic KeyboardBest for Tight Budget

  • Integrated wrist cushion
  • Long battery life
  • Very affordable
Check Price
Goldtouch GTU-0088 V28.8

Goldtouch GTU-0088 V2Best for Smaller Spaces

  • Extremely flexible & adjustable
  • Plug & play simple setup
  • Soft key touch
Check Price

A man sitting at a desk working on a computer.
The 5 Best Standing Desk Table Top Only Options

The 5 Best Standing Desk Table Top Only Options

So you’ve decided to make the switch to a standing desk. Congratulations, standing desks have been shown to provide a variety of health benefits, like increased energy, improved mood, and reduced risk of obesity and heart disease. 

You may not want to invest in a brand new standing desk (they can be expensive, especially the electric standing desks) – or maybe your office space which is already crowded with other office furniture. In that case, a standing desk converter is a perfect solution! 

The best standing desk table top only converter is a device that sits on top of your regular desk frame and converts it into a standing desk.

In this buying guide, we will review five of the greatest standing desk table top only converters on the market. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each one and help you decide which standing desk converter is right for you. 

All of the best for standing desk table top only converters we reviewed are meant to adjust your office desk height without damaging your desktop surfaces.

It’s time to start participating in conference calls the healthy way!

5 Best Standing Desk Table Top Only Options

1. VIVO 32-inch Desk Converter

If you’ve been searching for a quality desk converter that will allow you to easily switch between sitting and standing, the VIVO 32-inch Desk Converter is a great option to consider. 

This converter is built with high-quality materials and features a lifting system that makes it easy to adjust the height of your work surface.

Basic Information

This converter is made of sturdy steel and can support up to 33 pounds. The large work surface gives you plenty of room for your laptop, monitor, keyboard, and other office supplies. 

Best of all, the VIVO 32-inch Desk Converter comes with a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty, so you can be confident in its quality and performance.

You can choose between the 32-inch or the 37-inch options. The VIVO desk converter also comes in four different frame color options – black, brown, white, and light wood – to match your existing desk seamlessly. The price tag on the VIVO desk converter is around $140.


When it comes to setting up your new VIVO 32-inch Desk Converter, the process is quick and easy. Simply place the converter on top of your existing desk and extend the VIVO desk converter upwards. 

Once you have the converter at a preferable height, make sure to lock it in place. You can start using it right away – no assembly, aside from the keyboard tray, is required!

If you’re looking for a versatile and affordable desk converter that will help you stay productive whether sitting or standing, the VIVO 32-inch Desk Converter is a great option to consider. With its high-quality construction, gas spring lifting system, and spacious work surface, this converter is sure to make a great addition to your home office.

The best standing desk table top only converter is a device that sits on top of your regular desk frame and converts it into a standing desk.
Vivo 32-inch – Standing desk top only


  • No assembly required
  • Multiple sizes and color options to choose from
  • 3-year manufacturer’s warranty


  • Non-retractable keyboard mount

2. FEZIBO Standing Desk Converter

The next converter on our list is the FEZIBO Standing Desk. This converter is made of high-quality laminate. It has a two-tier design that gives you plenty of space to work, and it comes with a built-in keyboard tray. 

The FEZIBO Standing Counter is a great choice for those who want a durable and stylish standing counter converter. It has a weight capacity of 33 pounds, which is more than enough for most people. 

The FEZIBO standing counter converter also comes with a three-year warranty, so you can be sure that it will last for a long time.

The height range varies from 4.5 inches to 19.3 inches, so measure your desk and plan accordingly when buying the FEZIBO counter converter. The counter converter comes in four different color options – black, deep brown, rustic brown, and white.


It’s easy to set up and use, and its pneumatic spring mechanism makes it incredibly sturdy and stable. The setup is pretty similar to that of the VIVO table Converter – you just put it on top of your existing table, engage the levers on both sides, and expand the table converter upwards – after that, you lock it in with the levers, and you should be ready to go.

Overall, the FEZIBO Standing table Converter is a great value for the money. It is easy to use, it is very affordable, and it comes with a three-year warranty. If you are looking for a standing table converter that is of high quality and will last for a long time, then the FEZIBO is the perfect choice for you.

FEZIBO Standing Desk
FEZIBO Standing Desk: standing desk table top finish


  • Supports up to 33 pounds of equipment
  • Easy setup
  • 4 different colors to choose from
  • 3-year warranty


  • None

3. TechOrbits Standing Desk Converter

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option, the TechOrbits Standing rolltop Converter is a great choice. With its minimalist design, it is sure to blend into a wide range of modern furniture.

Basic Information

If you’re looking for a quality adjustable rolltop riser, the TechOrbits model is a great option to consider. This converter can accommodate monitors up to 27 inches and includes a keyboard tray that can hold up to four pounds. 

The keyboard tray is deep and wide enough to accommodate those who have a preference for larger keyboards. The style is completed with beveled edges that won’t cut into your hands as easily.

The height settings are also adjustable, and they can fit your specific needs whether you want the desk converter fully extended, halfway through, or not at all.

One thing to note is that this model is not electric, so you will need to manually adjust the height of the desk, although the process is quite a simple one. Overall, the TechOrbits Standing Desk Converter is a great option for those who want a quality product at an affordable price.

This converter is made of high-quality materials, which is evident from the moment you take it out of the box. It’s also very sturdy, so you don’t have to worry about it wobbling or shaking when you’re typing or using your mouse.

This converter has an anti-slip design that prevents it from slipping or moving around when in use. This is a great safety feature, particularly if you have young children in the house.

A Few Downsides

The surface for the monitors or the laptop is not as large as we would have liked. If you are someone who likes to have their monitors as far back as possible, you will not be as satisfied with this desk converter. The mouse area is also not large enough to move freely without having to lift your mouse and adjust it once in a while.

Easy Setup

The TechOrbits Standing Desk Converter is very easy to set up. It comes with all the necessary tools and instructions. Simply follow the installation guide, and you’ll be able to set it up in no time. The desk converter will already have pre-drilled holes in which you will have to screw in a few screws, nothing complicated at all.

The TechOrbits Standing Desk Converter is a great option for those who want a quality product at an affordable price. It’s easy to set up and use, and it’s very sturdy. The only downside is that the surface area is not as large as we would have liked.

TechOrbits Standing Desk Converter is a great choice
Standing desk table top only


  • Blends in with modern furniture
  • Easy assembly
  • Anti-slip design


  • Lifting assistance only works without the converter being loaded

4. VariDesk Pro Plus 36

The VariDesk Pro Plus 36 is a great choice for those who want a premium standing desk converter. 

Basic Information

The VariDesk Pro is maybe the best of the desk converters we have included in this review. It comes with a higher price tag but also has a few features that the others don’t. 

First and foremost, it’s able to accommodate monitors up to 36 inches wide, or even two heavy monitors up to 24 inches, which is significantly larger than most of the others on this list. It also has an impressive weight capacity of 35 pounds, which is again more than most of the others.

The VariDesk Pro also has a nice, sleek design that looks great on any desk. It’s made of high-quality materials and feels very sturdy. 

The only downside is that it’s a bit on the heavy side, weighing in at over 50 pounds. If you can deal with that, the VariDesk Pro is a great option.

The desk also has 11 preset heights, so you can find the perfect position for your needs. A 5-year solid warranty is also a nice touch.

This top-of-the-line desk converter comes with a higher price tag of around $240, which makes it the most expensive option on this list. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, the Varidesk Essential 36 is a great alternative. 

The Varidesk Essential 36 is very similar to the Pro Plus 36 but doesn’t have the same weight capacity and can only accommodate monitors up to 30 inches wide.

If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line desk converter that can accommodate large monitors and plenty of weight, the VariDesk Pro Plus 36 is a great option. It’s well-built, looks great, and has a high weight capacity. The only downside is its size and weight, but if you can deal with that, it’s a great converter.

The VariDesk Pro is maybe the best of the desk converters we have included in this review.
Electric table top standing desk


  • 11 height presets
  • 5-year warranty
  • Build from high-quality materials


  • Not the most affordable
  • Heavy

5. FITUEYES Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter

Last, but not least, we have the FITUEYES Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter.

Basic Information

If you’re looking for a standing desk converter that’s both affordable and effective, the FITUEYES might be a good option for you. This model is one of the most popular on the market, and it has a lot to offer in terms of features and performance.

The FITUEYES is very easy to set up and use, and it’s also very affordable. It’s a great option for people who want to be able to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day, and it’s also a good choice for people who are looking for a desk converter that’s easy to use and transport.

The FITUEYES has a lot of features that make it a great choice for a standing desk converter. It’s easy to set up and use, it’s very affordable, and it has a lot of adjustability. 

It’s also one of the most popular models on the market, so you can be sure that you’re getting a quality product.

The top surface measures 36 inches x 24.2 inches providing plenty of space. It allows for multiple monitor setups, or even a laptop/monitor setup. The height is adjustable, and it ranges from 4.3 inches all the way up to 19.8 inches.

With a price tag of around $169, the FITUEYES is a great choice for people who have a budget to uphold.


The FITUEYES desk converter comes fully assembled right out of the box, which is a huge time saver – all you have to do is take it out of the box and put it on your desk. It has a weight capacity of 33 pounds.

Additional Features

The FITUEYES desk converter comes with a slot for your tablet – if having three screens on a single desk isn’t enough for you. It also comes with a sponge pad that will protect the desk underneath it.

The non-slip scratchpad also keeps your wooden desktop from getting scratched up.

The biggest benefit is the gas spring lift which allows for a much smoother and safer height adjustment.

The FITUEYES is one of the most popular standing desk converters on the market and for a good reason. It’s easy to set up and use, it’s very affordable, and it has a lot of features that make it a great choice for almost everyone.

If you’re looking for an affordable best standing desk table converter that’s easy to use and transport, the FITUEYES could be a great option to consider.


  • Sponge pads to protect your desk
  • Comes fully assembled
  • Affordable


  • May wiggle around a bit when lifted (not the sturdiest)

Best Standing Desk Table Top Only – FAQ

Can I Use a Standing Desk Converter if I Have a Small Desk?

Yes, you can use a standing desk converter if you have a small desk. It is important to make sure that the converter you choose is the right size for your desk. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the weight capacity of the converter is high enough to support all of your essentials.

What are the Benefits of Using a Standing Desk Converter?

There are many benefits of using a standing desk converter, including increased energy, improved mood, and reduced risk of obesity and heart disease. 

Using a standing desk converter can help improve your posture and reduce back pain. There is a reason why many fit people often opt for full-standing desks.

How do I Know Which Standing Desk Converter is Right for me?

The best way to determine which standing desk converter is right for you is to consider your needs and budget. It is important to read reviews to get an idea of the quality of the converter. 

Finally, it is important to make sure that the converter you choose has a high weight capacity and is adjustable so that you can find the perfect height for your needs.

What are Some Things I Should Avoid When Using a Standing Desk Converter?

Some things you should avoid when using a standing desk converter include leaning on your elbows, hunching over your computer, and slouching. 

It is important to make sure that you take breaks often and stretch your body to avoid stiffness and soreness. Pay close attention to what you want to have in a standing desk converter – whether that is desk mats, enough desktop space, abstract design options, or a hardwood tabletop. 

Finally, it is important to make sure that your monitor is at eye level to avoid neck strain.


So, there you have it! Our review of the five best standing desk table top-only converters on the market. We hope this buying guide has helped you find the perfect converter for your needs. Now go get rid of your office chairs and make your office a healthier place to work by replacing your old sitting desk with a modern table. 

The Best Floor Lamp for Home Office: A Buying Guide

The Best Floor Lamp for Home Office: A Buying Guide

Do you have a difficult time seeing what’s on your computer screen? Do you feel like the light in your office is never quite bright enough? Maybe you are over the harsh yellow light and want something that is closer to natural light. If so, then it might be time to invest in the best floor lamp for home office

A good floor light for your home office can provide you with plenty of light, making it easier for you to see what’s on your screen and work more productively. 

In this buying guide, we will take a look at four models that have a shot at being the top floor lamp for home office. We will discuss the features of each light and help you decide which one is the best fit for your office!

Before Buying

There are many factors to consider when purchasing a floor lamp for office use. Some of the most important include:

  • Height – you’ll want to make sure the light is tall enough to provide adequate light without being too tall for the space.
  • Bulb Type – floor torches come with a variety of bulb options, from traditional incandescent bulbs to LED and CFL bulbs. Consider your needs and preferences when choosing a bulb type. 
  • Style – floor lights come in a wide range of styles, from contemporary to traditional. Choose a style that fits your home decor.
  • Price – floor lamps can range in price from relatively inexpensive to quite expensive. Consider your budget when choosing a floor lamp.

While many of us would love a windowless office with a natural source of light, this is not always a realistic possibility. Instead, we must rely on overhead fixtures or self-standing floor lamps. We believe that the best floor lamps for office lighting are the better choice since they require less hassle and less work on your part.

Now, let us get into our reviews for the best floor lamp for the home office!

Best Floor Lamp for Home Office: Review

1. Joofo Floor Lamp

Basic Information

The first light we will discuss is the Joofo Floor Lamp (30W/2400LM Sky LED Modern Torchiere).

This light has a modern design and is made of aluminum, paired together with a stable base and multiple adjustability functions. 

This flashlight can work as an overhead light without having to be installed like traditional overhead lighting (such as a light fixture, light bulb, and others). It has three color settings which range from 3000K to 5000K – warm white, natural white, and cool white – so you can choose the perfect light for your needs.

The remote control has a range of about 10m (33 ft), which will make it easy to adjust the lamp as the evening goes on without the need to leave your comfy sofa.

The Joofo floor light only comes with a six-foot plug-in cable, which might cause some problems for those of you who do not have dozens of outlets. Extension cables can be used as a viable solution. It also has a dimming function, so you can adjust the brightness to suit your needs.

LED bulbs are long-lasting and energy efficient, making them a great choice for the office. With a height of over six feet, it’s sure to make a statement in any room. The lamp comes in four different colors, including brushed nickel, avocado green, white, and black.

The lamp’s price depends on the collar and the wattage you choose, but with a price range from $59 to $69, it isn’t too steep.

Additional Features

One of the best things about this light is that it doesn’t produce any glare. That means you can use it in any room without having to worry about straining your eyes. It is also a LED light, which means it is very energy-efficient.

The Save Space and Stable Base function of the torches assure you that the flashlight is completely safe to display around children, and even pets, considering the heavy base will keep the ten-pound light from falling over.

The lighted surface can be rotated 350 degrees and can also be tilted to any angle between the floor and the roof – which will help you with your desired adjustments to the lamp’s light angle.

We think the light is an excellent choice for home office where the ambiance is the number one priority. The endless angles of the lighted surface, the brightness-dimming function, and the lamp’s modern, yet simplistic, design make it a preferable choice for any family. It is also considered the best floor lamp for sewing.


  • No assembly required
  • Multiple sizes and color options to choose from
  • 3-year manufacturer’s warranty
  • Best floor lamp for tattooing


  • Non-retractable keyboard mount

2. Dimunt LED Floor Lamp

Basic Information

This light was made for bibliophiles who enjoy reading during the evening or late hours of the night. The Dimunt LED Floor light provides adequate lighting, with 15 watts of power. 

With an included adjustable timer, you can set it to turn off after one hour if you want to conserve energy. The light has different lighting settings, so you can create the perfect ambiance for your office. 

It is also remote-controlled, so turning the light off is as easy as the push of a button.

If you’re looking for a bright and stylish LED floor light, the Dimunt is a great option. The 15-watt LED light source is equivalent to a 100-watt incandescent bulb, making it plenty bright for most rooms. The light is adjustable from 3000K-6000K, so you can choose the perfect color temperature for your space.

The price is also quite affordable at approximately $40, depending on where you buy it and at which wattage.

Additional Features

The lightcomes with a safe and sturdy base while also boasting a flexible gooseneck that will help you adjust the lighted surface exactly to your liking.

This light is also quite tall, coming in at 59 inches of height, making it perfect for lighting up the whole room if the need arises.

The Dimunt LED Floor Lamp also comes with its own remote and touch control. The remote control distance is on par with the Joofo light at around 10m (33 ft).

We think the Dimunt LED floor light is an excellent choice for avid book readers who are tired of insufficient lamps that only strain their eyes unnecessarily. We like the clean and modern design of the Dimunt LED floor lamp. It’s available in black or metal, so it will match most decors.


  • Adjustable shutdown timer
  • Remote Control
  • Affordable


  • The style might not fit every office perfectly

3. Keepsmile RBG Floor Lamp

If you are looking for a more colorful option, then the Keepsmile RBG Floor Lamp might be the perfect choice for you.

Basic Information

This light

has two sides, each with its own LED light. The lamp has multiple colors with ten different modes to choose from, so you can really personalize the look of your office. The lights are also dimmable, so you can create the perfect level of lighting for your needs. 

Similar to the Dimunt LED Floor Lamp, this one is also remote-controlled. The light comes equipped with four different brightness settings.

Don’t let the stark colors fool you—the Keepsmile light has a brightness of about 2600 lumens – which is bright but not strenuous on the eyes. The 350-degree rotatable lighted surface makes it possible for the lamp to light up an entire room, especially considering the lamp is 69 inches tall.

The Keepsmile RGB Floor Lamp is made from high-quality materials and is very sturdy. It’s easy to assemble and comes with a user manual. The lamp is also UL-certified, so you know it’s safe to use.

The Keepsmile floor lamp, however, isn’t the cheapest on the list, coming at around $59.

Additional Features

One of the best things about this lamp is that it’s double-sided. This means that you can use it as a reading lamp or a general light source. The two sides of the lamp provide different levels of brightness, so you can adjust it to suit your needs.

The Keepsmile floor lamp also has a memory function that will help you to keep your favorite ambiance setting each and every time.

If you’re looking for a stylish and modern floor floor lamp design, the Keepsmile RGB Floor Lamp is a great option. It’s easy to use, UL certified, and comes with ten different modes to choose from.


  • Colorful 
  • Two-sided 
  • Best floor lamp for sewing crafting


  • Might seem too “childish” for a serious office

4. Lithomy Floor Lamp

Finally, we have the Lithomy Floor Lamp. This stylish floor lamp will upgrade the decor of your room in no time.

Basic Information

This lamp has four different color settings – warm white, natural white, cool white, and yellow – so you can choose the perfect light for your space. It is also dimmable, so you can create the perfect level of lighting for your needs. The remote control makes it easy to turn the lamp on and off from across the room.

The Lithomy Floor Lamp is an amazing product that has many features to make your life more convenient. The first thing you’ll notice about this lamp is its sleek, modern design, which will match any decor.

The lamp has a built-in remote control, so you can adjust the light level and color temperature with ease. There are four different color temperatures, ranging from 3000K to 5500K, so you can create the perfect ambiance for any room.

The LED light is also very energy efficient, so you’ll save money on your electric bill each month. The lamp will also save you money when you make the purchase, as it is the second cheapest option on our review list, coming in at $45.

Additional Features

The lamp is constructed from heat-resistant environmentally friendly PVC linen fabric and has a heavy base to make it sturdy around children and pets. The lamp is a 12-watt energy-saving LED that will light up your home for more than 50,000 hours.

The 60-minute timer function is also a godsend for people who tend to fall asleep with the light on. The automatic shutdown setting will turn the light off 60-minutes after setting the timer.

If you’re looking for a floor lamp that will add style and convenience to your home, then you need to check out the Lithomy floor lamp, which is one of the best indoor lighting solutions. This lamp is sure to become a favorite in your home.


  • Fits almost any interior
  • Very durable
  • 60-minute shutdown timer
  • Affordable
  • Best floor lamp for crafting


  • Only available in one color

Best Floor Lamp for Home Office – FAQ

What is the Difference Between a Floor Lamp and a Desk Lamp?

A floor lamp is taller than a desk lamp and is designed to stand on the floor. A desk lamp is shorter and is designed to sit on a table or other surface.

What are the Benefits of Using a LED Floor Lamp?

LED floor lamps are more energy efficient than traditional incandescent or halogen lamps, meaning they use up fewer energy levels than fluorescent lights. They also emit less heat, so they’re safer to use in homes with children or pets. LED lamps also last longer than traditional bulbs, so you won’t have to replace them as often.

How do I Choose the Right Floor Lamp for my Home?

When choosing the best floor lamp for home office, consider the style of your decor and the function that you need the lamp to perform. If you want a lamp that will provide ambient light, look for one with a dimmer switch. If you need a task light for reading or working, choose a lamp with an adjustable arm or shade.

What are the Different Types of Floor Lamps?

There are many different types of floor lamps available on the market, including traditional, modern, and industrial styles. 

Traditional floor lamps are typically made from wood or metal and have a classic design. Modern floor lamps are often made from plastic or steel and have a more contemporary look. Industrial floor lamps are usually made from metal and have a vintage feel.

Are There Different Types of Light?

There are three different types of light – artificial, natural, and LED. Artificial light is created by man-made objects like lamps and light bulbs. Natural light comes from the sun. LED light is a type of artificial light that uses less energy and lasts longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.


So, which is the best floor lamp for a home office? Consider your needs and make a decision based on which features are most important to you. Whatever lamp you choose, we are sure that it will provide you with plenty of light and help you work more productively in your office!

Best Lighting for Home Office With No Windows: Reviewed in 2023

Best Lighting for Home Office With No Windows: Reviewed in 2023

Home offices are rising in popularity, and many find themselves converting creative spaces in their homes into offices. This might include a spare room, basement space, or spacious closet. Oftentimes, these spaces make a great office but may lack natural lighting.

Fortunately, there are ways to brighten up your windowless home office and create a space that feels as if it had natural lighting. Here is our list and review of the best lighting for office without windows.

Best Lighting for Home Office With No Windows

1. TALOYA LED Office Ceiling Light

The TALOYA LED Office Ceiling Light comes in five different color options: black, white, blue, pink, and yellow. This allows you to choose which option suits your decor and aesthetic tastes. This ceiling light has a modern circular design and mounts easily to the ceiling, blending in well with your office space and adding an excellent source of light.

The TALOYA LED Office Ceiling Light has three different options for lighting, so you can choose your preference for warm, cool, or neutral lighting. This is an excellent way to mimic natural lighting in your office, and you can choose the lighting option that makes you feel the most awake and productive. 

No matter what the weather is outside, your windowless office can feel bright and homey with your custom lighting preference. The TALOYA LED Office Ceiling Light also comes in two different size options, 15.8” and 12”, so you can choose which size best suits your space. 

The TALOYA LED Office Ceiling Light comes at an affordable price without sacrificing quality. If you’re looking to invest in a reliable light for your home office that will last a long time, this may be a good option. 

The TALOYA LED Office Ceiling features a low profile flush mount, giving it a modern feel. It also has a dustproof design so it isn’t prone to collecting dust, saving you the time and effort of constantly cleaning your ceiling light. 

Some users did note that the TALOTA LED Office Ceiling Light is the best type of light for office but it stopped working after a year. At this price point, it is common for ceiling lights to stop working eventually. As long as you only use the light while you’re using your office space, it should last you for a while.

Key Features:

  • Five color choices
  • Round, low-profile design
  • Two size choices, 15.8” and 12”


  • Choose warm, cool, or neutral lighting
  • Dustproof design
  • Choose the color and size that best suits your space
  • Best home office lighting for eyes in 2023


  • May stop working eventually

2. TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light

The TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light features the unique option to pair with your smartphone or Alexa so it can be easily controlled by your voice or smartphone. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use smart ceiling light that is convenient to control, you may consider the TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light. 

The TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light can be programmed to automatically turn on and off based on a set schedule, and you can even turn your lights on or off from your smartphone when you aren’t home.

This is perfect for those who plan to use their lights at scheduled times during the day or want to be able to control their lights from anywhere. This feature can be helpful if you’re away and have animals at home and want to be able to turn the lights on for them. 

The best lighting for home office is the TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light because it is equipped with the unique feature of an LED backlight with adjustable colors that can also be controlled from your smartphone or Alexa. In recent years, colorful LED lights have become increasingly popular in home decor. It is the best lighting for a home office with no windows

Colorful LED lights add a relaxed ambiance to any space and can be an excellent way to transform your home office space into a space to unwind at the end of a long, productive day. 

The colorful LED lights add the ability to make your space glow with pink, red, green, purple, or any colored lighting of your choice. 

The TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light comes in two sizes, 15.8” and 12”, so you can choose the size that best suits your space. It features a sleek, round design in a white color that will blend well in your space. 

The TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light offers only one neutral color light option for the regular daylight setting, but fortunately, it still offers color customization through the LED backlight. 

Due to the unique features of the TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light, it is priced higher than some options on this list. If the unique smartphone pairing and LED backlight features are appealing to you, it may be worth the higher price. 

Some did find the TALOYA Alexa Smart Ceiling Light difficult to pair with the app. Occasionally, it will disconnect from the app, but it’s usually only a temporary error.

Key Features:

  • Pairs with Alexa and smartphones
  • LED Backlight
  • Two size options: 15.8” and 12”


  • Convenient to control by voice or app
  • Can be timed to turn on and off
  • Unique color LED backlight setting


  • May disconnect from the app on occasion 

3. OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light

The OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light is a mounted ceiling light with a minimalist neutral white design available in a rounded 11.8” size and a square 12” size. If you’re looking for a simple no-frills option for bright light in your home office without windows, you may consider the OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light. 

The OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light is designed to be waterproof, so if your office space is prone to humidity, there is no need to worry. The OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light can even be used in a bathroom with constant exposure to moisture. 

The OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light is designed to last over 50,000 hours so you can rest assured that this lighting will last for a while. 

This ceiling light is offered at a fairly low price point, but there is no sacrifice in quality or reliability, making it a great option if you’re not looking to spend a lot on your lighting for a home office without windows. 

This ceiling light is very bright and can easily illuminate any space, but features an eye-protective design so it won’t hurt or irritate your eyes if you look at the light. Sometimes, indoor lighting can be overwhelming or cause eye sensitivity, especially if you just woke up and are starting your work day. 

The OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light is made to be comfortable for your eyes while providing ample brightness. This ceiling light is also energy-saving, so you don’t have to worry about driving up your electricity bill.

The energy-saving capabilities of the OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light protect your wallet, as well as the environment. 

Unlike some options on this list, the OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling light does not have adjustable lighting. You cannot dim the lighting or change the warmth of the lighting, but most users are satisfied with the bright, energizing lighting that the OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light offers. 

Similar to other options listed at a low price point, the OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light may eventually stop working. It is the best lighting for home office with no windows designed to last for 50,000 hours of use, but given that it is a very affordable product, this can vary. While most users are satisfied with the lifespan of the light, some did find that it stopped working after several months or a year. 

Key Features:

  • Rounded 11.8” size and square 12” size
  • Minimalist neutral design
  • Eye protective design


  • Affordable price
  • Energy saving
  • Offers bright lighting without hurting your eyes


  • May eventually stop working
  • No frills or adjustable lighting options 

4. Airand 5000K Flush Mount Ceiling Light

The Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light is another option with a modern, sleek appearance and two size options: 10.6” and 12.8”, both simple square designs. The Airand 500k Flush Mount Ceiling Light is designed to have no flicker or glare. 

This option is quite similar to the OOWOLF Flush Mount Ceiling Light, offering many of the same features such as waterproof design, energy saving, and eye protection.

The waterproof design of the Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light makes this light suitable for humid climates. If your home office is near a bathroom, kitchen, or another area where a lot of steam is produced, this is a helpful feature to have. 

The energy-saving capabilities of the Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light are helpful if you value saving money and helping the environment. This light produces amble light without running up your electricity bill and using excessive power. 

Additionally, the eye-protective design is helpful to those who have sensitive eyes. Many people start their workdays very early and bright lights can be overwhelming to your eyes. The Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light is designed to protect your eyes and reduce the risk of eye pain. 

The Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light is offered at an affordable price while still providing a satisfactory and reliable product. Most users are satisfied with the overall lifespan and use of their Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light. 

This light is easy to install with simple wire connectivity, so this light is easy to use and accessible to everyone, even those who tend to leave the light installation to the professionals. 

The Airand 5000k Flush Mount Ceiling Light does not have dimming capabilities or multiple color options. It offers a standard cool lighting setting, so if you are satisfied with bright lighting that is slightly cooler, you are likely to be content with the lighting setting on this ceiling light.

Otherwise, you can opt for a light that has adjustable color options. 

Key Features:

  • Square 10.6” and 12.8” size
  • Energy-saving light source
  • Eye protective design 
best lighting for home office with no windows
Airand 500k: best lighting for home office with no windows


  • Easy to install
  • Bright, cool lighting
  • Water and humidity resistant


  • No dimming or color options 

5. Sokply 2×2 FT LED Flat Panel Light – 2 Pack

The Sokply 2×2 FT LED Flat Panel Light comes in a two-pack of large 2’x2’ or 1’x4’ lights, ideal for larger spaces. These lights can be installed directly into a paneled ceiling or be installed to lie flat against a standard ceiling. 

If you’re looking for a larger source of light to illuminate a bigger space, or convenient lighting to add to a paneled ceiling, you may consider the Sokply 2×2 FT LED Flat Panel lights.

These lights do come at a slightly higher price point than most options on this list, but this is because it comes with two lights instead of one, and these lights have the option to be integrated directly into a paneled ceiling. 

While you might wonder if these lights would make your home office space without windows too bright, due to the large size of the lights, this is not the case. These lights do have dimming capabilities, so the lighting can be adjusted to your preference. 

It is worth noting that in order to use the dimming capabilities of the lights, you must install a dimming light switch. This is because the Sokply 2×2 FT LED Flat Panel Lights install directly into the ceiling and connect to your electricity. Without a dimming light switch, you will not have access to the dimming capabilities of the lights. 

Some did find the Sokply 2×2 FT LED Flat Panel Lights difficult or confusing to install due to the extra wiring that is required for lights to be dimmable. To some, this may be an easy matter, but if you’re not an experienced electrician, it may be best to consult with someone who is, or have someone help you. 

Key Features:

  • Two large sizes: 2’x2’ and and 1’x4’
  • Can be installed directly into a ceiling with panels
  • Dimming capabilities
The Sokply 2x2 FT LED Flat Panel Light comes in a two-pack of large 2’x2’ or 1’x4’ lights, ideal for larger spaces. These lights can be installed directly into a paneled ceiling or be installed to lie flat against a standard ceiling. 
Best type of lighting for office


  • Convenient to replace and install in a paneled source
  • Ideal for areas where large light sources are required
  • Brightness can be adjusted


  • Dimming switch required
  • May be more difficult to install 

Best Lighting for Home Office With No Windows: FAQ

Why is Good Lighting Important in an Office?

Good lighting is vital to have an office space in which you can work productively and efficiently. Many people spend the majority of their days in their office, and it is vital for your home office space to be an area where you can feel content in.

Good lighting will energize you and increase your productivity. Good lighting can easily be added to a home office with no windows by installing one of the lighting options in this list.

How to Select Good Lighting for Your Home Office With No Windows?

You can rest assured that all options provided on our list of the best lighting for home offices without windows are excellent options for indoor lighting. You must determine which light suits your personal needs and tastes. 

If you prioritize lighting with an adjustable color setting, you may opt for the TALOYA LED Ceiling Light. If you want a light that can be dimmed, the Sokply 2×2’ light may be a good option for you. 

Depending on what your preferences are for lighting, you can decide which light will work best for you. 

What Type of Lighting Should I Get for My Home Office Without Windows?

If your home office has no windows, your first step should be to add a bright ceiling light. A ceiling light will help to brighten your space and provide an ample amount of light to your home office. 

By adding a ceiling light, your home office will feel so bright that you might even forget that there are no windows. It is important to have a bright source of light such as a ceiling light to ensure that you can feel energized and productive in your office space. 

After adding a ceiling light, you can consider adding additional lighting for ambiance. A desk lamp can add extra lighting to your office space and can be used as an alternative when you prefer a more tranquil room to relax in.

Floor lamps can also be used as an extra source of bright lighting, but the first step is certainly to invest in a quality ceiling light, such as one of the options on our list.

How Can I Improve an Office With No Windows?

Some may worry that a space with no windows cannot be made into a nice workspace, but that is not the case. If your home office space has no windows, there are still many ways to transform this space into somewhere that you’ll look forward to spending time in while you work.

For starters, invest in a quality source of light, such as one of the options on this list. Then, you can take advantage of the wall space that you have when there are no windows. You have plenty of room to hang wall art and decorations to personalize your home office space. 

Having an office without windows also means that you have plenty of room for a desk with storage

While home office lighting with no windows may not be able to sustain plants, consider adding fake plants to your office space. Many artificial plants look quite realistic and come with the added bonus that you don’t actually have to take care of them. 

Does My Home Office Need Windows?

A home office space does not need windows. While state laws require bedrooms to have windows, this law does not apply to home offices. A home office can still feel welcoming without windows.

You may be surprised at how bright your home office can be once a ceiling light is added. While you might wish your home office space had windows, you may find that it’s an added bonus to have an office without windows on rainy or gloomy days.

While others might feel tired or unproductive after seeing the gloomy weather, it will still feel as if it is a bright, sunny day in your home office area. 

Best Lighting for Home Office Without Windows: Final Thoughts

If you’re considering transforming a space in your home into an office, but you’re worried because the space doesn’t have windows, know that this space can still become an excellent home office. You’ll quickly find that an office does not need windows to be a space where you can feel comfortable and productive in. 

By selecting one of the options on this list of the best lighting for a home office with no windows, with types of office lighting, your home office space will transform into a bright, energizing space that encourages hours of productivity and focus from you.